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A trip with Bible Passages is not your standard tour! The Bible story and its message of salvation are rooted in a historical and geographic setting – a real-time and a real place in history. The goal of each tour is to better understand that setting and to understand the Biblical story better. 


Bible Passages is dedicated to helping you to better understand and appreciate the Bible. We want to help you deepen your faith in the sacred text and in the God who gave it. You will discover places like Athens, Rome, Beersheba, Jericho, Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Galilee that exist just as the Bible describes. By sifting through the archaeological data, by traveling down the pathways of the Bible lands, and by traversing through the passages of its ancient cities, trade routes, and caves you will begin to appreciate the challenges of life faced by our religious forbearers. You will also come to see how God used the historical and geographic setting of the Bible lands to refine and develop their faith. ​


You will be challenged to examine those same places and settings and will embark on a journey designed to develop greater faith and devotion to God. Bible Passages is all about helping connect people to God and encouraging you in your personal walk of faith. We can’t wait for you to travel with us!

John and Carla Moore

John and Carla have been actively involved in ministry and Christian education since 1986. Currently, they reside for half of the year near Austin, Texas, and the other half of the year in Denver, Colorado. They are involved in a ministry called Bible Passages, which involves training preachers, equipping the saints, defending the faith, and guiding souls to Jesus.  Carla serves as Dean of Women and teaches in the women's program at Bear Valley Bible Institute. She writes frequently for various Christian magazines and websites. 

John is an instructor at the Bear Valley Bible Institute, teaching courses including Bible Geography and Archaeology and Church History. Having studied at Jerusalem University and traveled widely in Israel and Jordan, John offers a unique perspective on the relationship between the land of Israel and the biblical text. Having authored and narrated the book and DVD Searching For Truth, John has set his sights on a new evangelistic and edifying project. He, along with Carla, World Video Bible School, several qualified instructors, film editors, and photographers are producing the Bible Land Passage Video Series, which will also include a rich resource of photographs and biblical information.   John directed the Bible Lands Project in preparation for the Bible Lands Passages video series and resource ministry.  John and Carla’s family include their oldest son Jordan, with his wife Erin and children Jackson, Emmy, and Clara; their second son Jake and his wife Alyssa and their daughter Turner, and their youngest son Micah and his wife Courtney, and their daughter Alivia.

At the Colosseum in Rome
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