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Our Purpose

Teaching Bible Class in Dripping Springs

Beginning the Christian journey, navigating the rocky shoals of temptation, and advancing toward the goal of heaven requires the help and guidance of others (Galatians 6:2). Just as the Ethiopian Nobleman needed Philip to guide him through scripture, Bible Passages is likewise dedicated to helping others understand the Bible (Acts 8:30-31). Our work is overseen by the Dripping Springs church of Christ, and together we are focused on sharing with others the gospel of Christ, and dedicated to defending and passing along the faith to the next generation. Simply put, our desire is to glorify God and guide souls to Jesus.

With Peter and Pooifun Chin of Singapore

Souls are precious. People are hurting. Many are dying, and Christianity is under attack. Our world is in turmoil, and lives are being devastated by sin—time is of the essence. We must work while it is yet day for the time comes when men shall work no more and then stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Like the apostle Paul, my desire is to warn every man, and to preach to every man “that we might present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Colossians 1:28). The world is now populated by over 7 billion souls, all of whom must be reached. God isn’t willing that any should perish; He wants all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Our desire then is to fulfill the Lord’s commission: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” and “make disciples of all the nations…teaching them to observe all things,” (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20).    

Filming Expedition in 2015, Bethlehem

In all things, Jesus is our example. He was a Master Teacher, Preacher, and Worker. He was compassionate, kind, and forgiving. He spoke to people about their eternal destiny and explained to them what they needed to do to be saved. He cared about the needs of others, and He sought to brighten the way for those struggling with the issues of life.

Thus, to be successful, we must be like Jesus and follow His example in regard to our work and mission. With this purpose in mind, that is to say, the salvation of souls and the glorification of Christ, Bible Passages must follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to seek and save the lost, and to minister to others.

According to Ephesians 2:10, Christians are the workmanship of Christ. As saved people, we are to perform good works. We are to continue on with the ministry that Jesus began some 2000 years ago.  We are, in effect, an extension of Christ, and His work today is to be accomplished through His people. It is a work that we do both as individuals and collectively.

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